Austin City Life recently released our first Worship EP: ONE
As our church grew, so did the need for new songs of worship. From the beginning of our church when there were 12 of us meeting in our pastors living room, we have had three experienced, song-writing worship leaders... which is quite remarkable. What, I believe this did for us was allow all three of us to grab a hold of the vision God had given our church early. With all of our hearts committed to the Gospel, from the beginning we were living in Community and were serving on Mission before a single song was written. And then... we all began to write... that this is the offering we bring to honor our savior, and to encourage the saints:
Reformissionary: Steve Mckoy
"I'm not a fan of most Christian music, and I'm not usually very excited about new worship music. I'm happy to say I can heartily recommend this EP."
Soul-Audio: Matt Connor
"Looking for the diamond in the rough? That little known gem hiding from any mainstream press and yet as good as anything you’ll find on store shelves? Then allow me to help you out. Austin City Life is a missional community in Austin, Texas – the home of many a talented musician. So it should come as no surprise that Austin should also provide some fantastic worship music as well."
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